CENTRALIA — All available Centralia City firefighters have been called to a fire call Friday afternoon at a Baptist church on the city’s north side.
The fire alarm call came in around 1 p.m. at the Second Baptist Missionary Church at 512 East Haussler.
Upon their arrival, firefighters reported smoke from the building was visible. Closer inspection showed about two feet of water standing in the basement of the church and smoke was visible through the windows.
As firefighters searched the building for the cause of the smoke, they reported finding fire on the floor of the sanctuary.
Centralia Fire Protection District, Sandoval, Kell, Mt. Vernon City, Salem, and Odin fire departments were all called for mutual aid for a box-level response. ESDA has been called to maintain traffic as observers could possibly make parking of emergency vehicles difficult. School buses have been notified to divert their student drop-offs in that area.