JEFFERSON COUNTY — Authorities are reporting a Dix man was airlifted early Wednesday afternoon from his home where he suffered burns while fighting to control a fire.
According to Jefferson Fire, Eric Colbert was using a fire extinguisher to keep an unsupervised trash fire that had already spread to a detached garage on the property from spreading further to a camper.
Firefighters responded around 2:30 p.m. Wednesday to the home on Old Centralia Lane and were able to extinguish the fire before it suffered more than minor damage and were able to keep the flames from the camper.
Firefighters initially treated Colbert at the scene for first and second-degree burns to his hands and face, along with smoke inhalation.
Litton’s Ambulance then provided treatment until he was airlifted for further treatment.
Centralia Fire Protection, Woodlawn, and Kell provided mutual aid at the scene, while Bluford and Wayne City covered the Jefferson Fire Station in case of another call.